I ended up spending about $20 today. My favorite find was a vintage Fisher Price Barn! It was in a bag that was stapled closed, but there were some toys inside of it. So I took a chance after checking it over. It was $5.95. After getting it home and checking it out, it is in really nice shape. It still Moos when you open the barn door. It contained a horse, a black pig, two tractors, and a trailer for the tractor! I am pretty happy with this buy!

I also ended up coming home with a pack of 9 sewing patterns. This was the same way, all seeled up in a bag with a price tag on it! I had hope from looking at the one on top and the one on bottom! They were all womens patterns. I believe 3 or 4 of them are for knit fabrics. The picture of 3 contains the ones I like the best! Nine patterns for $1.95, not to bad!

I also bought a 14 inch pillow form for $2.95. It was brand new and unopened! A pack of toy pinwheels for my daughter, who almost had a fit about them! They were $.99. I also got a dress. It is marked size small. I personally think it is on the extra small side. It fits ok, but I wish there was more volume in the skirt! It was $7.95.
Does anyone out there have any tips on thrift store shopping? I asked a few ladies in the store if they were ever special sales, but all they said was that it was a bit cheaper on Saturdays. I also thought the prices were a bit high. There were a few books that I was going to get but they wanted $4.95 for a used novel. We also saw 3 used sewing machines. A Kenmore for sears, a 80's Singer, and a Morse brand one. Morse was the only one that I had never heard of! After this trip, I think I will go to a few more local shops, but I really don't have that high of hopes.
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