This is my all time favorite quilt. This was found at my Grandpa's cousin's house. When she was moved into a retirement home, we went through her house to find what we wanted to keep in the family and what was going to be donated and auctioned off. We were in her upstiars guest bedroom looking at quilts on the the bed. I mean QUILTS...there had to be about 10 on the bed, layed out one on top of the other! It was like a jackpot of quilty goodness!

I was in middle school at the time and my favorite color was orange. So when I saw this quilt my heart stopped! We really never used it after we got home with it. It was put in a dresser and stored there for about 6 years or so! Then I got married and started sewing. So after all of that time of just being stored, I pulled it back out and started using it. It is in amazing shape for how old it is.

The date was written on the quilt! I am assuming it was finished on this date! 12 37, December of 1937. The quilt squares are all hand pieced, and I am not sure if the sashing was hand pieced to the squares. There is really only one block that has any wear and tear and I am pretty sure that is because the fabric was thinner to start with.

One of the things about this quilt that amazes me is the prints. One of the centers of the star looks like a print from the Farmdale line of fabrics. I love the red dots mixed with the orange fabric.

I would love to be able to find a pattern to do this square. I really would like to make it with red and aqua fabrics or with purple sashing and star points. If anyone knows what kind of quilt square this is please let me know!